Sunday, June 15, 2008

red dirt and spicy food

Howdy all! The past couple of days have been overwhelming but amazing... Yesterday we went into Accra, the capital city, which isn't far from the university. As soon as we were getting used to the university we encountered a whole new part of the country... I love it!! We visited the National History Museum and the W.E.B. Du Bois institute. It was really moving hearing about the African perspective of the slave trade. Sometimes we forget that the slaves experienced injustices not just in the West, but were taken from their homes here in Africa in a disgustingly systematic process. We also visited a couple of markets which was quite intense. Being a white man in a black country is overwhelming. I am learning one of my new names... Bruni ("White person") which is used on a regular basis with Westerners... never used in hostility as far as I can tell. I was also called Jesus and Moses yesterday haha... the beard. People often end up surrounding myself and others asking for money and to buy some of their necklaces, clothes etc. It is really hard turning them down and knowing that this is their livelihood. i guess that that is a part of traveling in a developing country. However, it is a great way to meet some Ghanaians and to get to know them in a little more personal way. Last night we also went out to an outdoor concert away from the city. Heard various types of Afro-pop, Reggae and African music fused with jazz and swing ("Highlife bands.") I am learning that African music is incredibly diverse. Much of it has some of the same traditional rhythmic and structural influences though.

Starting to get a hand on basic needs here. There is a market right next to the hostel that I am staying in... it is open all night and has food and drinks available all night. Most mornings I get my breakfast there... bananas and a spicy egg sandwich thing. Oh yeah... the food is amazing. Very spicy!! Most places you choose your carbohydrate, meat and soup which is all put into a bowl for you to eat with your hands. Today I had a combination of fermented corn meal paste with a hunk of fish and a gumbo like okra soup type thing. Sounds delightful I know... but it is actually quite good.

Classes start tomorrow... I am anxious to get the program going and to actually start learning about music. Tomorrow we will be studying with one of the most prominent African ethnomusicologists. Should be a good time. Alrighty... that's all for now. Keep reading!


Cally said...

Hey there, Jesus... Moses... White man... haha. Sounds like things are going well for you. I can't wait to read more! Good luck!


Julia said...

That meal sounds crazy... glad it was good though!