Friday, June 13, 2008

Ghana is hot

So I got here safely last night. Man this country is hot and humid. Nothing can prepare you for heat like this. Travel was relatively easy. Flight out of O-hare was a couple of hours late so I nearly missed my connection in London Heathrow. Ended up sprinting through the airport... haha. Found the university and dorm fairly easily. I am sharing a room with a Ghanaian about my age... seems like a really cool guy.

Thus far I am amazed with the kindness of Ghanaians. I had a great conversation with my cab driver about Ewe people (he was Ewe) and learned of his favorite Ghanaian music varieties, some of which I will be studying starting on Monday. Everybody is willing to help me out and seems to be incredibly glad to welcome a group of Westerners. The University of Ghana is huge! We are going to get a tour here in a few minutes and figure out exactly what is what. Met up with most of the people in my program last night... all seem really cool and down to earth. Looks like I am the only American! The dorm/hostel that I am staying in houses students from around Africa and the world who are studying at the university. While I am definitely in the minority there are occasional Westerners wandering around too.

Besides the heat, I am in the process of getting accustomed to sleeping under a mosquito net and the other joys of traveling in Africa. We start classes on Monday. Until then we will be going to Accra tomorrow and getting used to the county. Having a great time thus far and looking forward to the next couple of days. Ciao.


1 comment:

Ruth said...

yeah patrick! glad you made it there. everything sounds so great! sleeping under a mosquito net sucks, but i think you'll find it's worth it... in case you get one of those giant five-inch wide bites, try making a paste with gold bond and water-- it's your best shot at relief! TAKE CARE AND HAVE FUN!!